
1133 Woodward Dr

Greensburg, PA 15601


(724) 838-7150

(412) 431-5955

Generators in Western Pennsylvania

If your home or business requires access to power at all times without exception, it’s crucial that you install a source of backup power on your property. Pellman Electric Associates LLC is a company in Greensburg, PA, that offers high-end performance solutions that are suitable for a wide range of clients. We sell many of the top brands, including Cat, Cummins, Kohler, and Generac.

Affordable Installations

One of the most important aspects of obtaining backup power for your property is the installation of your generator. The highly experienced technicians on our staff can make sure that your generator is properly hooked up to your building’s electrical system so that it can seamlessly provide energy when needed. We’ve provided solutions for homes, churches, retail outlets, warehouses, and even hotels.

If there’s ever an emergency issue with your business or home backup system, we can provide the 24/7 service needed to deal with it quickly. Our highly knowledgeable and dedicated crews are trained to deal with a wide range of problems quickly without sacrificing workmanship.

A Commitment to Client Satisfaction

Pellman Electric Associates LLC has been helping homes and businesses with their emergency power needs for more than two decades. We’re always looking for ways to improve our efficiency and the experience our customers receive. Give our location a call today at 724-838-7150 or 412-431-5955 to find out more about your options.